Beatriz Cabrero Daniel
About me
Hello, I'm Bea and I’m looking for an academic researcher position! So far, I've worked on cooperative multi-agent systems (MSc), automating crowd simulation (PhD), and Digital Twins and Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving (3-year postdoc), among other things.
I love teaching and programming and I solve most of my problems with questionable AIs in Python.
Work experience
Postdoctoral researcher (University of Gothenburg), 2022-present.
Principal Investigator and coordinator of the DARTER pre-study.
Invited speaker at the 29th International Working Conference on "Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality" (on Requirements Engineering for Artificial Intelligence).
Invited panelist at the 24th International Conference on "Agile Software Development" (on AI-assisted Agile).
Invited panelist at the June '24 Software Center Reporting workshop (closing & remarks)
Invited speaker on AI/GPT in higher education (PIL webinar)
PhD student (Krishna Ronanki)'s personal website:
Teaching (Universitat Pompeu Fabra and University of Gothenburg), 2017-2024.
Mathematical Foundation for Software Engineering. Lectures and exercise sessions (BSc Software Engineering and Management).
Introduction to programming. Lab sessions in Python (BSc Computer Science, and Multimedia, Mathematical, and Biomedical Engineering).
Computer Graphics seminars. Theoretical sessions about advanced Computer Graphics topics.
Advanced Visualization. Practical course with a final OpenGL-based project to create an interactive 3D scene.
Summer School course instructor (Campus Junior), 2020 - 2021.
"Video games with AI in Python" (July 2020): introduction to videogame development, machine learning and programming. Asset creation, programming a main game loop, dealing with frames and buffers, user inputs, creating artificial intelligence (AI) for NPCs, and so on.
"Bots: from video games to smart houses" (July and September 2021): AI topics and ML algorithms in Python, always focusing on code modularity, scalability and sustainability.
Robotics instructor (American Spaces), January 2018 – June 2018.
Research assistant (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), December 2016 – September 2017.
Java Developer Intern (everis), April 2016 – September 2016.
Summer Intern (Teixidó SA), July 2012 – August 2012.
Home tutor, January 2009 – August 2015.
Selected publications
Software Engineering
Cabrero-Daniel, B., Herda, T., Pichler, V., & Eder, M. (2024). Exploring Human-AI Collaboration in Agile: Customised LLM Meeting Assistants. International Conference on Agile Software Development, 163–178. Springer Nature Switzerland Cham.
Cabrero-Daniel, B., Fazelidehkordi, Y., & Nouri, A. (2024). How Can Generative AI Enhance Software Management? Is It Better Done than Perfect? In Generative AI for Effective Software Development (pp. 235–255). Springer Nature Switzerland Cham.
Cabrero-Daniel, B. (2023). AI for Agile development: a Meta-Analysis. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2305. 08093.
Ronanki, K., Cabrero-Daniel, B., & Berger, C. (2023). ChatGPT as a tool for User Story Quality Evaluation: Trustworthy Out of the Box? arXiv Preprint arXiv:2306. 12132.
Ronanki, K., Cabrero-Daniel, B., Horkoff, J., & Berger, C. (2023). RE-Centric Recommendations for the Development of Trustworthy(Er) Autonomous Systems. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems. Presented at the Edinburgh, United Kingdom. doi:10.1145/3597512.3599697
Trustworthy AI and Generative AI
Ashani Mahawatta Dona, M., Cabrero-Daniel, B., Yu, Y., & Berger, C. (2024a). Evaluating and Enhancing Trustworthiness of LLMs in Perception Tasks. arXiv E-Prints, arXiv-2408.
Russo, D., Baltes, S., van Berkel, N., Avgeriou, P., Calefato, F., Cabrero-Daniel, B., … Others. (2024). Generative AI in Software Engineering Must Be Human-Centered: The Copenhagen Manifesto. Journal of Systems and Software, 216.
Cabrero-Daniel, B., & Sanagustín-Cabrero, A. (2023). Perceived Trustworthiness of Natural Language Generators. First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems.
Nguyen-Duc, A., Cabrero-Daniel, B., Przybylek, A., Arora, C., Khanna, D., Herda, T., … Others. (2023). Generative Artificial Intelligence for Software Engineering - A Research Agenda. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2310. 18648.
Cabrero-Daniel, B., Fazelidehkordi, Y., & Ratushniak, O. (2023). Trustworthy “blackbox” Self-Adaptive Systems.
Ronanki, K., Cabrero-Daniel, B., Horkoff, J., & Berger, C. (2023). Requirements Engineering using Generative AI: Prompts and Prompting Patterns. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2311. 03832.
Ashani Mahawatta Dona, M., Cabrero-Daniel, B., Yu, Y., & Berger, C. (2024). LLMs Can Check Their Own Results to Mitigate Hallucinations in Traffic Understanding Tasks. arXiv E-Prints, arXiv-2409.
Autonomous vehicles
Chand, S., Li, C., Montes, C. M., Cabrero-Daniel, B., & Horkoff, J. (2024). Automating Requirements Review in the Automotive Sector: A Tailored AI Approach. 2024 IEEE 32nd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 492–493. IEEE.
Ashani Mahawatta Dona, M., Cabrero-Daniel, B., Yu, Y., & Berger, C. (2024b). Tapping in a Remote Vehicle’s onboard LLM to Complement the Ego Vehicle’s Field-of-View. arXiv E-Prints, arXiv-2408.
Nouri, A., Cabrero-Daniel, B., Torner, F., Sivencrona, H., & Berger, C. (2024). Welcome Your New AI Teammate: On Safety Analysis by Leashing Large Language Models. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 3rd International Conference on AI Engineering-Software Engineering for AI, 172–177.
Cabrero-Daniel, B., Abdelkarim, A. Y., & Broberg, A. (2024). Digital Twins for Early Verification and Validation of Autonomous Driving Features: Open-source Tools and Standard Formats. 2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2477–2482. IEEE.
Nouri, A., Cabrero-Daniel, B., Törner, F., Sivencrona, H., & Berger, C. (2024). Engineering Safety Requirements for Autonomous Driving with Large Language Models. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2403. 16289.
Cabrero Daniel, B. (2017). Cross-Entropy method for Kullback-Leibler control in multi-agent systems.
Berger, C., Cabrero-Daniel, B., Kaya, M. C., Darestani, M., & Shiels, H. (2023). Systematic Evaluation of Applying Space-Filling Curves to Automotive Maneuver Detection. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Retrieved from
Fazelidehkordi, Y., & Cabrero-Daniel, B. (2018). Digital Twins as a common ground for interdisciplinary sustainability discussions.
Cabrero-Daniel, B. (2023). DARTER: Digital twins for Accessible Real Testing grounds for automotive Engineers and Researchers [Data set]. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8409625
Ratushniak, O., & Cabrero-Daniel, B. (2024). Designing Digital Twins for Enhanced Reusability. Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings, 331–332.
Crowd simulation
Cabrero Daniel, B. (2022). Automating crowd simulation: from parameter tuning to dynamic context-to-policy adaptation.
Cabrero-Daniel, B., Marques, R., Hoyet, L., Pettré, J., & Blat, J. (2022). Dynamic Combination of Crowd Steering Policies Based on Context. Computer Graphics Forum, 41, 209–219.
Cabrero-Daniel, B., Marques, R., Hoyet, L., Pettré, J., & Blat, J. (2021). A perceptually-validated metric for crowd trajectory quality evaluation. Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 4(3), 1–18.
van Toll, W., Grzeskowiak, F., Gandía, A. L., Amirian, J., Berton, F., Bruneau, J., … Pettré, J. (2020). Generalized microscropic crowd simulation using costs in velocity space. Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 1–9.
Other topics
Ubieto, V., Pozo, J., Valls, E., Cabrero-Daniel, B., & Blat, J. (2024). Sign language synthesis: Current signing avatar systems and representation. In Sign Language Machine Translation (pp. 247–266). Springer Nature Switzerland Cham.
Tatar, K., Ericson, P., Cotton, K., del Prado, P. T. N., Batlle-Roca, R., Cabrero-Daniel, B., … Hussain, J. (2023). A Shift In Artistic Practices through Artificial Intelligence. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2306. 10054.
Supervision of Bachelor's and Master's thesis
Fazelidehkordi, Y., & Mahmoudifard, Amin. (2024). Assessing the Efficacy of GPT-4 in Test Generation: Comparing Against Human and Pynguin. Gothenburg University Publications Electronic Archive.
Anandan, S. (2024). RE Principles for Generative AI-enhanced Sustainability Assistants. Gothenburg University Publications Electronic Archive.
Galera, O. (2024). Heavy-duty truck simulator: a tool to plan charging and charger layouts. Chalmers Open Digital Repository.
Zsolnai, G., & Vidackovic, I. (2024). Exposing the gap between Automotive and Cloud Requirements Engineering Practices. Gothenburg University Publications Electronic Archive.
Andersson, J., & De Jesus, K. (2024). Heavy-duty truck simulator: a tool to plan charging and charger layouts. A study into the applicability of generative AI in software\\ development for advanced driver-assistance systems. Chalmers Open Digital Repository.
Liteanu, G.-V., & Korkmaz, N. (2023). Human Performance and VR Interfaces: A Study of Digital Twin Monitoring in AI-Driven Fleets of Vehicles. Gothenburg University Publications Electronic Archive.
Yasser, A., & Broberg, A. (2023). Digital Twins for Verification and Validation of CPS: Standardizing the Role of Requirements Engineering and AI with Digital twins. Gothenburg University Publications Electronic Archive.
Wang, Z., & Chang, Q. (2023). A Solution for 3D Visualization on Soil Surface Using Stereo Camera. Chalmers Open Digital Repository.
Ratushniak, O. (2023). Architecturally Significant Requirements and Design for Digital Twins of Semi-Autonomous Systems. Gothenburg University Publications Electronic Archive.
Petrov, S. (2023). Digital Twins and Sustainability: A Comprehensive Review of Limitations and Opportunities. To be published in the Chalmers Open Digital Repository.
Solé, Júlia. (2020). Integrating E-commerce into a Virtual Reality Entertainment Inflight Platform. Universitat Pompeu Fabra Digital Repository.
Received research grants and awards
DARTER: Digital twins for Accessible Real Testing grounds for automotive Engineers and Researcher (2022 - 2023)
Academic researchers in the field of autonomous driving (AD) are key in evaluating the benefits and social and environmental harms that technological advances can pose. Nevertheless, compared to AD companies, academic researchers have limited access to real-world testing platforms to validate and experiment with their ideas. Due to this, academic researchers typically turn to virtual environments or Digital Twins (virtual representations of the real world) as a replacement to climb up technology-readiness levels. Nevertheless, there is still a gap between simulations and experimental evaluations on real world AD testing grounds.
Research area: Safety performance evaluation
Financier(s): SAFER Pre-Studies Phase 5
Partners: University of Gothenburg, AstaZero, and Computer Vision Center
Coming up next:
Our proposal "Insightful Automotive Operational Data - Using Foundation Models for Time-Series Data at Scale" was approved to receive funding from Vinnova !
2024. Challenge Award at RE’24 for Ali Nouri, Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel, Fredrik Törner, Håkan Sivencrona, and Christian Berger: "Engineering Safety Requirements for Autonomous Driving with Large Language Models."
2023. Best Paper Award at TAS’23 for Krishna Ronanki, Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel, Jennifer Horkoff, and Christian Berger: "RE-centric Recommendations for the Development of Trustworthy(er) Autonomous Systems."
Education and training
2017 – 2022. PhD in Information and Communication Technologies (Universitat Pompeu Fabra).
Research on Machine learning, crowd/pedestrian motion, data sampling, and simulation- related topics. Thesis title: "Automating crowd simulation: from parameter tuning to dynamic context-to-policy adaptation." You can read it here.
Thesis supervisors: Dr. Josep Blat (UPF) and Dr. Ricardo Marques (UB).
Research stays at INRIA Rennes, thanks to Dr. Julien Pettré.
2016 – 2017. Master in Intelligent Interactive Systems (Universitat Pompeu Fabra).
2012 – 2016. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science (Universitat Pompeu Fabra).
2010 – 2012. Bachibac Program. Double award Batxillerat – Baccalauréat (IES Vicenç Plantada).
Pedagogic certifications
PIL 103 Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 3: Applied Analysis, University of Gothenburg, March 2024
PIL102 Teaching and Learning in Higher Education ( University of Gothenburg, March 2023
PIL101 Microteaching ( University of Gothenburg, April 2023
PIL101 Lesson plan ( University of Gothenburg, May 2023
PIL101 Legal Module. University of Gothenburg, January 2024
PIL201 Supervision in Postgraduate Programmes, Universtity of Gothenburg, Nov 2023
Want to know more about my teaching? Please Teaching 👈
Other certifications and courses
Graphic Design Specialization, California Institute of the Arts: Course Certificates Completed: Ideas from the History of Graphic Design, Fundamentals of Graphic Design, Introduction to Typography, Introduction to Imagemaking, and Brand New Brand.
Deep Learning Fundamentals with Keras, IBM:
AWS Fundamentals: Going Cloud-Native, AWS Training and Certication:
Introduction to Classical Music, Yale University:
3D graphics and printing:
Blender. Game art with Blender for iOS and Android devices (Barcelona Growth Centre).
3D Printing. Practical introduction for professionals and 'pimes' (Parc Tecnològic).
Introducció a la creació de videojocs amb Unity (Aula virtual, Cibernàrium).
Com afrontar la discriminació LGBTI+. Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies.
Comunica amb perspectiva de gènere (Barcelona Activa)
Power talk. Communicating with clarity, relevance and impact (Porta22).
Management of a high-performance team. Specialization seminar (Porta22).
Agile methodology. Summer university agilebcn (Ateneu de Fabricació de les Corts).
Content creation:
YouTube Creator Academy. Letter of completion.
Crea els teus podcasts per arribar a noves audiències (Aula virtual, Cibernàrium).
Posicionament fent servir Twitter en la comunicació de marca (Aula virtual).
I volunteer, sometimes to raise funds, for different causes e.g. Red Cross, La Marató de TV3 (solidarity project that focuses on a different disease each year), Oracle4Girls, Girls In Tech, Mobile Social Congress, etc.
Talks about ICT, STEM, education, Computer Science, and my experience in academia.
Addressing gender-bias issues (UAB STEM ambassador).
Lego NXT, Arduino, IA and Data Science workshops.
Event photographer.
I am also a proud member of AMAM, the Association of Musicians and Artists of Mollet (my beloved hometown!). In this association, I take care of a lot of different activities: from organizing events and coordinating resources (which often translates as carrying speakers and rolling up cables), to content creation for the physical posters and the social networks. Do you want to see some of my work? Head over to and do not forget to like and subscribe! ;)
Catalan. Native or bilingual proficiency.
Spanish. Native or bilingual proficiency.
English. British Council, CEFR level C2.
French. Alliance Française, DELF niveau B2.
German. Escola Oficial d’Idiomes, CEFR A2.
Programming and digital skills
Python, C/C++/C#, JavaScript, CSS, Matlab, Java, GLSL, LaTeX, Robotic Operative System (ROS), Scipy, Keras, Three.js, Adobe Premiere, Google Docs, Matlab, Adobe Photoshop, Sony Vegas, Google Docs, OBS, DaVinci Resolve, etc.